DU Report It
If this is an emergency or someone is in danger, call 911.
Report an incident on campus or call 303-871-3000.
DU Report It is DU’s source for online reporting. University students, employees, 社区成员可以通过DU report It就以下事项进行报告:
Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment & Violence
The Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX 是否负责检讨及调查有关性别及性别歧视的报告, harassment, and violence. This includes discrimination and harassment based on sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, as well as reports of sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, and domestic and dating violence. More information about the Office of Equal Opportunity & 第九条和相关的大学政策和程序是可用的 here.
如果您想在提交报告或发起正式投诉之前了解更多有关报告流程或解决方案的信息, 您可以与第九条协调员或副协调员会面,而无需透露具体细节.
Feeling overwhelmed? You don't have to do this alone.
The Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Empowerment (CAPE) 通过为性侵犯幸存者提供宣传和支持,支持幸存者的康复, relationship violence, stalking and sexual harassment. All services are confidential and free of charge.
- Daytime advocacy: 303-871-3853 24/7
- Counselor on Call: 303-871-2205
Bias, Discrimination & Harassment
大学将偏见事件定义为基于个人或群体实际或感知的群体身份而针对个人或群体的任何行为. 例子可能包括但不限于:涂鸦、骚扰、笑话、直接侮辱等. The specific forms, content, motivation/intention and impact of bias incidents vary, but all detract from the inclusive community to which DU is committed.
The Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX 是否负责审查和调查有关种族歧视和骚扰的报告, color, national origin, ancestry, age (40 and over in the employment context), religion, creed, disability, genetic information, veteran status, military enlistment, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, and pregnancy. More information about the Office of Equal Opportunity & 第九条和相关的大学政策和程序是可用的 here.
The Office of Equal Opportunity & 第九条还与大学的偏见事件响应小组(或“BIRT”)进行协调。, 哪个内部工作小组负责协调校园对偏见事件的反应. BIRT does NOT investigate, adjudicate or otherwise participate in judicial/legal processes, 向受此类事件影响的个人和群体提供支持. 是否有一个内部工作小组负责协调校园对偏见事件的反应. BIRT does NOT investigate, adjudicate or otherwise participate in judicial/legal processes, 向受此类事件影响的个人和群体提供支持.
Threats or Acts of Violence
DU offers a safe space to anonymously report threats, crimes and acts of violence on or nearby campus. In life-threatening emergencies or when you need immediate police, fire or medical assistance, make the following two calls:
Police: 911
Campus Safety: 303-871-3000
确保DU有效地完成创造和维护安全空间的任务, the Department of Campus Safety asks for your support. 如果你看到校园里发生犯罪或破坏性行为,请报告. With your in-person assistance and firsthand experience, 校园安全部门将以适当的程序作出回应,以确保你的报告得到处理.
Anonymous Hotline
确保yzcca88游戏登录网址达到其目标,遵守州和联邦法律, 大学使举报潜在合规问题的怀疑变得容易和方便. Using Lighthouse Services, employees and community members can report concerns or issues, anonymously if they prefer, about questionable practices 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Questionable practicesmay include but are not limited to fraud, unlawful, unethical behavior, or other types of behaviors. The University of Denver takes reports seriously; reports are logged, reviewed, and resolved appropriately, working with the University's Office of General Counsel, Enterprise Risk Management, and the Audit Committee of the Trustees.
灯塔服务是yzcca88游戏登录网址签约的保密第三方提供商,用于接收热线报告. 要报告潜在问题或提出疑问,请使用ca88登录正确网址. 通过这些方法都可以选择保持匿名.
- 你可致电灯塔服务处的热线电话:
- English speaking USA and Canada 866-780-0002
- Spanish speaking USA and Canada: 800-216-1288
- 你可以通过灯塔服务传真报告,电话:215-689-388(请在报告中注明yzcca88游戏登录网址).
- You can email a report to Lighthouse Services at reports@lighthouse-services.com (please identify the University of Denver in your report)
Student Rights & Responsibilities
yzcca88游戏登录网址社区的所有成员都应该以个人和社区成员的身份诚信参与, Respect, and Responsibility. These values embody the standards of conduct for students, faculty, staff, and administrators as members of the University Community.
荣誉守则是学生的行为准则,概述了期望, rights, and responsibilities of every student at the University. 本文件提供的信息,以支持我们的学生在发展和展示诚信, respect, and individual and community responsibility. See the full-text Honor Code as it relates to students. Student Rights & 责任解决了所有yzcca88游戏登录网址学生可能违反荣誉守则和/或大学政策的问题, including undergraduate and graduate students. 您也可以举报可能违反大学COVID-19协议或违反学术诚信政策的行为.
You may also report an honor code violation by calling Student Rights & Responsibilities at 303-871-5724.
Student Outreach & Support
Student Outreach & Support (SOS) helps students succeed by connecting them to resources, developing a plan of action to meet their goals, and navigating challenging situations. SOS的工作人员为学生创造了一个包容和热情的环境,以培养自我意识的技能, self-advocacy, resilience, and navigation to maximize their educational experience. Student Outreach & 支持提供非临床病例管理,将需要帮助的学生与适当的资源联系起来. SOS can assist with:
无论您是需要支持自己,还是认识需要我们服务的人, please get in contact with SOS as soon as possible
Email: sos@ghosthunterserver.com
Youth Protection and Public Health Concerns
大学校园安全部门全年24小时配备训练有素的专业人员,为大学社区服务. In life-threatening emergencies, or when there is a need for immediate police, fire, or medical assistance, make the following two calls:
- 911
- 303-871-3000
Any University-Related Individual who knows, suspects, 或者收到校园未成年人被虐待或忽视的信息, 或者对校园未成年人的安全有其他担忧(包括未成年人失踪), must inform one or more of the following, available 24 hours a day year-round:
- Department of Campus Safety at 303-871-3000
- DU Anonymous Hotline at 303-871-7439
- Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline: 844-CO-4-Kids (844-264-5437)
无论受影响的未成年人是否参加大学课程,该报告要求都适用. 有关报告义务或处理校园未成年人情况的问题,可直接向校园安全或企业风险管理部咨询.