艺术 & 活动


在杜, you can create a path that perfectly suits your lifestyle 和 interests well beyond the classroom. Choose from numerous activities 和 events that will entertain, enrich 和 challenge you.

你可以在校园里尽情享受对艺术的热情. We're a frequent stop for internationally renowned musicians 和 dance 和 theater troupes, 和 our stages 和 recital halls are busy with numerous student performances. Across campus, a contemporary art gallery showcases local 和 national voices alike. 有150多个学生组织可供选择, you'll have no trouble finding other students who share your interests.

Our integral connection to the city of 丹佛 means you'll find extensive opportunities for fun 和 fulfillment off campus as well. 享受文化, 一个正在崛起的城市的食物和购物, 或者干脆离开城市去滑雪, 在附近的落基山脉远足和漂流. Your time spent at DU 和 in 丹佛 is bound to be filled with exploration 和 discovery.

400+ 每年400多场演出 从摇滚到交响音乐会和免费独奏会,应有尽有.

55 32个俱乐部运动队和23个校内联赛 校内运动联盟包括棒球和国旗橄榄球.

18 18个联谊会 & 校园内或校园周边的姐妹会生活分会 会员约占学生总数的20%.


Balinese music 和 dance performances at the University of 丹佛 campus.

The Lamont School of Music’s Exp和ing Horizons Initiative brought a night of Balinese music 和 dance performances to campus. In preparation, students took part in a unit on the music 和 culture of Bali.



The DU archives are home to a rare set of photographs by Edward Curtis, the 19th-century artist 和 ethnographer known as the “Shadow Catcher.印第安人在他拍摄他们之后给他起了这个绰号.




我们是丹佛的艺术中心. 在纽曼表演艺术中心, 我们定期欢迎全国巡回演出, 音乐和戏剧表演. Magness Arena hosts such hit acts as Jane's Addiction, Gwen Stefani 和 The Killers.

Our campus arts scene is further enriched by hundreds of student events, including the Lamont School of Music's six annual symphonic concerts 和 the theater department's three large-scale student productions. There are also dozens of free recitals 和 small student shows every month. 我们在视觉艺术上追求同样的多样性和卓越性, with our Vicki Myhren画廊 exhibiting work by students 和 internationally known artists.

You can also choose from a variety of options to share your own artistic voice. Learn the basics of broadcasting 和 share your passion for music by working at KXDU, 我们学生开办的广播电台. Take advantage of music classes 和 practice rooms open to non-majors. 你甚至可以试镜一个戏剧角色!


DU & 丹佛

丹佛多样化的音乐场景继续发展, with concerts 和 venues for lovers of every genre from jazz to punk to folk. All music lovers can agree everyone should see a concert at Red Rocks, 该州的瑰宝之一——令人惊叹, 无与伦比的圆形剧场,离校园不到20英里.

Students looking for a pleasurable afternoon may find themselves downtown, 在这个城市众多的博物馆之一. Others may lose themselves in the independent galleries of the Santa Fe 艺术 District or the trendy restaurants 和 boutiques of Cherry Creek. You can also spend the day at one of the many green spaces found in 丹佛's extensive 和 beautiful public parks system.


Our student organizations help you connect with Pioneers from similar backgrounds, 倡导你的信仰, strengthen your education or simply share your interests with others.

  • 文化组织

    和那些分享你的背景的人一起庆祝你的文化. 通过我们的文化组织, you can take part in community service 和 participate in dialogues on shared issues 和 concerns.

    • 非洲学生联合会
    • 亚洲学生联盟
    • 希勒尔
    • 拉丁裔学生联盟
    • 穆斯林学生协会
    • 酷儿学生联盟
  • 学术组织

    为模拟审判做好准备, 与先锋读书俱乐部分享你对文学的看法, 或者在为The Clarion工作的同时让你的社区了解情况, 我们的校报. 其他组织包括:

    • 计算机科学俱乐部
    • DU太阳能车队
    • 模拟联合国
    • PioChem俱乐部
    • 物理学生学会
  • 服务组织

    作为环境团队的一员,倡导可持续发展, 用MIND对抗围绕精神疾病的污名, 或作为“不可征服倡议”的成员在全球推广服务. 其他组织包括:

    • 气候现实项目
    • 大学抗癌
    • 自由权利教育演进(FREE) DU
    • 根除性侵犯学生联盟
    • 素食主义者和素食协会
    • Alpha Phi Omega服务兄弟会
  • 俱乐部

    你是电影爱好者吗? 烹饪或棋盘游戏怎么样? From Film 社会 和 the Fly Fishing Club to the Cooking Club 和 Cue Sports, 我们的学生俱乐部会让你娱乐和参与. 其他类别包括:

    • 动漫俱乐部
    • 即兴演唱
    • 针织品制作俱乐部
    • 紧身愤怒即兴喜剧
    • 摇摆舞俱乐部

联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活

自1885年以来,兄弟会和姐妹会一直是杜克大学的一部分, 当第一个女生联谊会成立的时候. 今天, members from our eight fraternity 和 10 sorority chapters meet new friends 和 excel academically while getting involved in leadership 和 service initiatives.

这些组织将本科生和校友培养成领导者, 支持学术生涯, 并确保会员拥有终身的友谊和支持网络. They dem和 their members set high academic goals 和 commit to efforts to improve their communities.

兄弟会成员 & 女生联谊会的生活 organizations make up 20% of the DU student population, 在大学学生会工作, yzcca88游戏登录网址项目委员会(DUPB), 学生媒体委员会和其他组织.



We recognize 和 celebrate the diverse range of worldviews 和 religions represented in our community. 通过我们大学的牧师, we support the spiritual health of all those on our campus the same way we support physical 和 mental health.

牧师为我们社区的所有成员提供服务, supporting interfaith conversations 和 listening sessions between students 和 community members. The chaplain encourages personal exploration 和 community dialogues around issues of religion 和 spirituality, providing a non-clinical safe space for spiritual care 和 counseling.

除了, 几个学生精神组织, 比如查巴德和ca88登录正确网址学的跨信仰倡导者, 举办自己的活动,促进不同群体之间的联系. We also offer the Evans 教堂 和 three other prayer rooms for student use.